White Lotus Flower
Dried White Lotus Flowers
About: White Lotus is an aquatic plant cultivated in Asia. It has culinary uses in many Asian countries, and parts of the plant and its extracts have been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years.
Usage: White Lotus acts as a Cardiac tonic which keeps a healthy heart. This also helps to lower blood sugar levels and also lowers cholesterol. White Lotus can be useful in managing digestive problems such as indigestion which is due to the presence of alkaloids that have antispasmodic activity. Vitamin C in this makes it a powerful antioxidant to neutralize harmful radicals. This also helps to lower stress levels and promotes restful sleep.
White lotus can be taken internally as a tea or these can also be used as decors in potpourris etc.
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Caveman Redux,
No 21, Janatha Mw, Navinna,
Sri Lanka.