Nutmeg Butter
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Rs 12,100.00
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Nutmeg Butter
About: Nutmeg Butter is an oleoresin which is extracted from Nutmeg seeds. Therefore it has an aroma and pungency that is identical to Nutmeg.
Uses: Nutmeg is known to relieve joint pain, elevate mood, regulate menstrual cycles, hormones in women and treat common cold, but it also has several fortifying compounds that promotes healthy skin and hair. It is high in antioxidants, which can help to eliminate free radical formation.
Nutmeg Butter is a semi solid natural butter which can be used on its own as a skin moisturiser or hair cream but is also an ideal ingredient for making DIY skin care and oral care products.
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Caveman Redux,
No 21, Janatha Mw, Navinna,
Sri Lanka.