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Navinna, Colombo,
Sri Lanka.
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BLOG | Caveman Redux

Traditional (Heirloom) Rice Varieties of Sri Lanka →
Rice is the staple food of Sri Lanka. The varieties of rice that is being cooked in local households have changed at an unprecedented rate over the last 4-5 decades,...

'Thuna Paha' and the 42 Spices of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) →
Sri Lanka is no stranger to the world of spices. As the name ‘Spice Island’ implies, Sri Lanka or Ceylon offers a variety of spices to the international community. Spices...

The Untapped Coconut | Benefits of the Coconut Tree →
Coconut is one of the foremost of trees in human civilisation. The genesis period of human civilisation is referred to as ‘Kalpa’ in eastern philosophical teachings (Buddhism and Hinduism). ‘Vruksha’...

Breathing Exercise - Nadi Shodhana Pranayama or Alternate Nostril Breathing →
“Nadi” means “channel” and “shodhana” means “purification” in Sanskrit. This has been the most effective pranayama for me. For best effects, practice this pranayama in the morning on an empty...